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Facing a Lockout? Why You Should Call a Locksmith

No one enjoys being in a lockout situation. It can be distressing not to be able to access your own home, car, or office, and it can lead you to become anxious and impulsive just to get back inside. Don’t immediately dash to call a towing company or a friend who brags about their coat hanger unlocking skills. Locksmiths are the right choice because they have tricks up their sleeves to open your car doors and standard locks safely and efficiently.   

A locksmith can open any lock given enough time. Some locks require a higher skill level than others due to various security features or complicated design parts, and that’s why it’s important to use a professional. Professional locksmiths open locks all day long so they have a great deal of experience in different kinds of locks. Think of each lock as a puzzle. Locksmiths are like professional puzzle solvers. It’s just about putting the pieces together.   

Steps to Take When Faced with a Lockout

  • Stay Calm: A lockout is a frustrating and potentially scary situation, depending on the time of day and location that you’re stuck in. As with any emergency situation, it’s important to stay calm and keep a level head. Don’t let desperation lead you to smashing a window or messing with a lock when you don’t know what you’re doing. 
  • Check all Potential Points of Entry: Check to make sure that all of the doors on your car or building are actually locked. You might get lucky and find an unlocked door or window that you didn’t realize was left unlocked.
  • Call a Locksmith: Your next call should be to a professional locksmith company. They have all the tools and skills necessary to deal with a lockout situation in an efficient, effective manner.  
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Tools Locksmiths Use for Lockouts

Professional locksmiths have access to tools that allow them to service lockouts of all kinds. Experienced technicianss have years of training and experience with these tools and the knowledge of which ones are ideal for your particular lockout situation.   

  • Single Pin Lock Picks: Used on many different door locks, single pin picks can make quick work of basic knob locks. Lock-picking is an art form that goes back centuries, and is not for the amateur, who could easily damage a lock while attempting to pick it. Depending on how complicated your lock is, the process could take some time.  
  • Raking Lock Picks: Rake picks are used to move multiple pins at once, and are often effective on locks with low security, such as standard knob locks. Rake picks are not as useful against more complicated locks. 
  • Automotive Wedges: These are used by automotive locksmiths to wedge the car’s door from the frame. Wedges make it easy for other, longer tools to have access to grab keys or to reach the interior door locks. Automotive wedges are generally flexible and designed not to scratch or damage your door. 
  • Probes: These are also used in automotive situations and are generally paired with a wedge. Probes are like the professional locksmith version of a bent coat hanger. They are used to reach the interior door locking mechanism, if your car is equipped with them.
  • Slim Jim’s: A slim jim is an old-fashioned tool used in automotive lockouts to gain access to older vehicles. A slim jim looks like a long, flat pry bar, but it takes more skill than it looks to use it to open a door without damaging your car. Not all slim jims are created equal, but a professional locksmith is trained and experienced in using a professional-grade slim jim, which is usually constructed of stainless steel and resistant to bending and warping. Because wedges and probes are usually more effective, slim jims have fallen by the wayside. 

Automotive Lockouts

Usually when someone is locked out of his or her car, it’s due to them locking their keys inside of the vehicle. It could also be because your keys were misplaced or stolen. In these situations, people are usually anxious and frustrated, and may be on the verge of desperate measures to regain access.   

A 24/7 mobile locksmith, like Locksmith Service Apex, can come to your location wherever you are and bring all the tools necessary to complete the job with no damage to your vehicle. Instead of calling your friend to help you break into the vehicle or stand around in a parking lot looking like a potential thief of your own car, stick with a professional locksmith.   

The individual makes and model of your car and any security features it might possess need to be considered to establish the best method of entry. It’s especially important to have a locksmith in an automotive lockout because damage can easily occur to the paint, the door, or the door frame.   

Home & Commercial Lockouts  

It’s something you probably think could never happen to you…until it does. Most people will find themselves locked out of their homes or businesses at some point in their lives. Once you determine that none of your doors or windows are open, call a locksmith to assist you. You want to avoid a potentially embarrassing situation of your neighbors noticing that you’re stuck outside, wandering around and casing your own property like a burglar. Avoid that scenario by calling an Experienced technicians as soon as you realize you are locked out.   

Most standard home front doors are outfitted with a basic knob lock and a deadbolt. A trained locksmith is able to lock pick or otherwise bypass these locks, although it may take some time as this is a skill for a professional. With a locksmith, you won’t incur damage to your locks that will cost you more in the long run. Since locksmiths are so experienced in these types of emergencies, they can get you back into your home quickly and without any damage like an unskilled person might cause

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